The Graduation Ball
The ball was great fun in my opinion. It could have gone for a little bit longer but c'est la vie. The meal was a bit spicy and the nice people in Jurys seemed to be in a bit of a hurry to have us eat it, but thats the way it goes. I had a great time anyway.
This is me at home before the ball doing my very best James Bond impression. Not bad eh ? !
This is me with my Nana, my aunt Tina and Laura my sister.
Here We have Chris and Dave. Chris, for some strange reason spent the whole night doing "bouncer" impressions !
I tried to sell this photo to Guinnesses but they wouldn't meet my asking price so I'm off to Beamish tommorrow.
Someone "borrowed" my camera to take this picture of these future pillars of society checking out the stocks and shares in Jurys.
On to Midnight

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